Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Town, New Doctor, Old Injury

Now that I am settled in my new old little town, I have found a new orthopedic.  Yes, I know that I am twenty-two years old, and one of the most upsetting parts about moving from home was leaving my orthopedic.  
I recently had new x-rays which, again, confirmed my previous diagnosis of osteitis pubis or inflammation of the pubic symphysis.  This inflammation first appeared two years ago when I had an MRI for my hip injury, however, I did not experience pain until the end of track season this year.  After five months of not running, no improvement was visible.  I am essentially waiting for bone reabsorbtion and my body to heal itself.

But, I like my doctor here, maybe even more than my previous doctor.  He has done his research on my "difficult" problem, asking for advice from doctors throughout the state who are known for their abilities to solve a good challenge.  Hopefully the next step in this process will give me some relief. 
The good news is that I can walk, I can go to the grocery store, and, on most days, I can teach without pain.  Months ago I was worried about how I was going to live on my own since I could not manage to walk the length of Publix.  Although I can do some normal activities, I cannot lift, even a gallon of iced tea, without pain.  Turning over in bed and getting out of bed still bothers me.  I can't bike, row, swim, walk long distances, or do sit-ups.  Who knew such a small joint could cause so much pain?  But enough with what I cannot do right now.

I'll keep dreaming of running.  The parks are calling me.

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